Karla Tibbets & Chris Mitchell

The Redwood Princess married her Magic Man

in the glory of Chenoweth Woods

on Saturday October 2, 2010 at 12:30 in the afternoon.

They feasted and danced

and no one could stop smiling.

Kris & Rich Levindowski

Wed at Pennington Presbyterian Church
June 26, 2010 at 11am

Jennette Mullaney & Carl Weber

They were married on Saturday July 10th at 10:00 in the morning
at Old Westbury Gardens - Long Island, New York.

It was a magical day of revelry, joy, and love.

We dined and we danced...

and then we danced and danced!

Erika Feldman & Matthew Friedman

Married on Saturday June 19th at 6:30 in the evening at the
Olympia Sculpture Park Seattle Art Museum
in Seattle, Washington.

It was a celebration to remember.
Full of dancing, love, and light!

And just when we thought the party was over...
the lead singer in the band lit his trumpet on fire!

Lisa Pilkington & Charles Brown

Married on Saturday October 17th 2009 at five o'clock in the evening
at Saint John's Episcopal Church in Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island.

Afterwards... they danced the night away
with all of their friends and family at the Piping Rock Country Club.

Elizabeth Dyer & Gabriel Acinapura

Married on Saturday October 3rd at three o'clock in the afternoon at the First Congregational Parish of Fruro in Fruro Massachusetts.

Below is a pin-hole of the entire wedding ceremony.

The Reception was held at the Chequessett Neck Yacht and Country Club, cocktails, oysters, and dancing by the water.

Below is a two hour exposure taken outside of the festivities.

Old and new friends on the shores of Cape Cod.

Elias's Birthday

A Night of Celebration

three hour exposure